Advent Week #2: FAITH

Prepare: Take a moment to center yourself for communion with God. You may do so by signifying the presence of the Spirit with you, singing a hymn, saying a prayer, or simply sitting in silence before God.

Candle: Light a purple candle and then another purple Candle, the candle of Faith.

Read: Luke 1:26-45

Reflection: The journey to Bethlehem is marked by a difficult path. Yes, there was an actual physical journey of about 60 miles, but the real difficulty was the trust needed to take the first step. In Luke 1, it says that there was a woman named Mary who was pledged to be married to a man named Joseph.

Then, like Zechariah, an angel appears and announces to Mary something so disorienting, it’s hard for her to imagine. She would give birth to the Son of God and His Kingdom will never end. Mary simply says, “How can this be since I’m a virgin?”

The angel’s answer: "The Holy Spirit will come on you and His power will overshadow you. The angel concludes, “For nothing is impossible with God.”

Mary finds herself at a trailhead. She’s not married yet. And she’s supposed to give birth to the Messiah? Slowly, faith begins to take hold of her “overshadowed” body, and she takes the first step by saying, “May it be according to your word.”

As you ponder this story, consider the following reflections:

Recall a time of disorientation. What gave you faith during that time? How have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s power in your life? Have you had an “overshadowing” type of experience?
What did Mary have to let go of to begin her journey? What do you need to let go of in order to embrace what God has called you to?

Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit. I ask you to give me the gift of faith. I want to take risk- taking steps with you in my witness of you, in my relationships, in my job, in my life. I want to follow where you lead me.

Prayers for the Week:

Monday: Come, Holy Spirit. Open the eyes of my heart so that I may know you better (Ephesians 1:17-18).
Tuesday: Come, Holy Spirit. Show me my sin, how it has impacted my life, and kept me away from you (John 16:8).

Wednesday: Come, Holy Spirit. Lead me into truth and wisdom so that I may know what to do and how to do it (John 14:26).

Thursday: Come, Holy Spirit. Free me from the things that hold me captive (2 Corinthians 3:17).
Friday: Come, Holy Spirit. Transform me so my character is shaped by your fruit (Galatians 5:22-25).

Saturday: Come, Holy Spirit. Use the gifts you’ve given me to serve others (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) and to empower me to be your witness (Acts 1:8).

*Adapted from Common Ground Christian Church - Indianapolis, IN.

** Artwork by: Chris Magee


Advent Week #3: JOY


Advent Week #1: HOPE