Sundays at 10:00am

884 Brighton Ave., Portland, ME

The Table Community holds our Worship Gatherings in the Daniel N. Crewe building at:

884 Brighton Ave., Portland ME, 04102 

Sundays @ 10AM

Schedule of Worship Gatherings - Summer 2024


  • July 7th - No Gathering - Each year we create space for rest and recreation on the Sunday closest to the 4th.

  • July 14th - 2nd Sunday Meal at Breakwater - Theme: *Slow Church - Intro

  • July 21st - Meeting with Rise Church

  • July 28th - Gathering at Breakwater - Theme: Slow Church - Gratitude


  • August 4th - Meeting with Missio Dei Church

  • August 11th - 2nd Sunday Meal at Breakwater - Theme: Slow Church - Gifts/Assets

  • August 18th - Gathering at Breakwater - Theme: Slow Church - Abundance and Hospitality

  • August 25th - Meeting at Chewonki Campground

*Our Sermon Conversations will revolve around stories & Scripture references from the book Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus, by Chris Smith and John Pattison

Slow Church is inspired by the language and philosophy of the Slow Food and other Slow movements to rethink the ways in which we share life together in our church communities. It encourages churches to examine the ways in which we’ve reflexively embraced a culture of unreflective speed, dehumanizing efficiency, and dis-integrating isolationism. More importantly, it paints a picture of the more holistic, interconnected, and abundant life together that we believe people have been called to in Jesus. [IVP | IndieBound | Amazon]


Access our Bulletin Liturgy for the current Church Calendar Season:

Remote Gathering of Worship via Zoom

During the Summer months (mid-June through mid-September), we will discontinue the virtual-Zoom platform of our Worship Gatherings.

*If you are unable to meet in-person, consider joining the livestream with our friends at Common Ground Church.

Here’s what you can expect from our weekly Sunday gatherings



Come as you are - our space is open prior to the Gathering for people to grab a cup of coffee/tea and catch up with one another, introduce ourselves to someone we haven’t met before, or to spend this time in quiet prayer and reflection.


Singing comes as a response of worship and adoration to God’s truth and beauty.

Liturgy & Prayer

In unison, as one body, we confess, sing, pray in submission, or affirm a truth through a shared prayer.



The sermon is a place where good news is proclaimed over the trouble in our lives and in our world. We create space to meditate on and share in the story of God’s redemptive mission as it intersects with our own stories as individuals and as a community. 

Communion - The Lord’s Table

We remember the sacrifice of the Word-made-flesh by weekly sharing in the meal Jesus gave to his disciples.  The Table is open to all who are faithful followers of Christ and have no enmity with anyone in this body. 

The Kid’s Table

A dedicated children’s ministry is available during our gatherings for all ages. Contact David Zigler with any questions.