
Support the Mission of The Table Portland

Why Give

As part of our desire to be a generous community, we encourage investment, involvement, and participation in our community budget. Contributing financially is one aspect of this participation. 

With gladness, let us present the offering of our life and labor to the Lord being mindful that the earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.

Psalm 24:1


Ways to Give

Mail a Check: Checks can be made payable to: Table Community Church and mailed to P.O. Box 1701 Portland, ME 04104 or placed in the offering plate during our Sunday Gathering. 

Give Online: Use PayPal’s giving platform.

While PayPal is still available as a giving option, we ask you to consider switching formats to ZELLE:

First, check to see if you can send money electronically through Zelle with your bank (with NO fee!) If so, one can log into their bank account and choose Zelle as an option. One can access Zelle in the mobile app of their own bank and then enter the recipient (Table Community Portland) using the email address below:

Table Pledge 2024

Thank you for helping us as we draft next year's budget. God has been so faithful to Table Community Church through your giving. As we prepare our budget, it is very helpful to have an idea of what the church's income will be in the coming year. If you choose to do so, please fill out the form with your pledge amount. This information will remain confidential.

Again, thank you for supporting the Table.


Click the button below to fill out a pledge for fiscal year 2024 (January-December)