An Examen for Lent

A Lenten Examen based on Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness (Matthew 4):

Breathe - Become aware of God’s Presence in the desert - literally breathing in and out with a relaxed posture can represent the Spirit’s invitation into a life of Creation wonder...

Gratitude - How did I/we see God’s Presence in the wilderness today/this week?

Honest Review - Ask God for Light + Levity:

Play back the day/weel like a movie or a youtube clip... 

  • What feelings did I have?
    - What events/people triggered me positively or negatively?
    - What do I need to confess with Levity?

      • Where was I Alive to the Word (Consolation)

— Where was I Tempted with Death (Desolation)

Invite - Invite God into a specific aspect of the day/week. 

Forward - Ask for freedom to live aligned tomorrow/next wek. Express what anxieties or worries you have for tomorrow/next week. Or express the excitement you have about tomorrow/next week. 


Good Friday


Ash Wednesday | Lent 2021