Sacred Reading | Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina (pronounced lex-ee-o dih-vee-nah), is an ancient way of deepening friendship with God by listening for the voice of the Spirit addressed to us in Scripture and responding to our Creator in prayer.

This ancient art, kept alive through the centuries by Benedictine monks has historically been among the most widely used approaches to Scripture. Its title derives from the Latin words meaning: sacred|divine|holy reading.

Lectio is not the goal or end-product oriented, and it’s not about acquiring more knowledge of Scripture although that may happen. The aim of Lectio is nourishing and deepening one’s relationship with the Divine—moving from acquaintanceship to friendship to communion.

For the sake of practicing the rhythm of Lectio, its structure is arranged into 5 movements.

For full PDF document, click HERE.


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